Sign up & create my first workspace

Follow a few steps and create easily your first workspace.

Yevheniia Voloshyna

Last Update 3 years ago

Scrumie is a clearly designed tool suitable for everyone who wants to know what's happening in the team. Follow these steps, and you will create your first workspace.

Sign up

  1. Before you create your first workspace, you have to sign up to Scrumie. On the front-page, in the right side corner, you see a button:

2.  Click the button and sign up. You will receive an activation email.

Create a workspace

  1. After you activate your account, go to Scrumie and sign in. On the first page, you will see that you have no workspaces. Click the button "Create Own Workspace".
  2. In the new window, name your workspace and click the button "Add Workspace".

Set up your workspace
  1. After adding your workspace, click the manage button and a window with settings options will show up
  2. In the settings, you can:

Great! Now, you have your first workspace!

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