Scrumie for a large company

Having large departments with a couple of teams inside? Let's see how to set up Scrumie in this case.

Yevheniia Voloshyna

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Even if you run a large company with multiple offices, departments and teams, Scrumie is also a great for this scenario. Gather all information in one place and know what's happening in your team. 

How to set up Scrumie for a large size company?

A real example:

  • A workspace: HR department, Marketing department, Sales department, IT department
  • Teams (within e.g. HR department): Talent acquisition, Training & Development, Compensation & benefits
  • Projects within the Talent acquisition team: Preparing job offers, Interviews, Communication with candidates

Team overview



Running a smaller business? Check the articles how to set up Scrumie for a startup or a medium size company.

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